King's Dilemma . Icon list ========= * Chronicle sticker Down Arrow * Open the envelope Angle Envelope * Prestige White Crown * Crave Black Crown * Cohesion White Sword * Dissent Black Sword * Immediate trigger Circle D Arrow * Start abilities Circle Star * Conditions Circle ! * Marked space Square White * Power Shield * Agenda U Wreath * Leader Fist * Moderator Gavel * Coin Circle * Event Candle * Trigger Lightning * Influence Castle * Wealth Diamond * Morale Flag * Welfare Branch * Knowledge Scrol * Stability Scale * Momentum Moon with Spike First game ========== 1. 2 rounds youngest to oldest Each player chooses a house by crest alone 2. Read the two you have chosen and pick 1 Or take 1 more from the middle with out reading it 3. This is your house for all of the games 4. 8 Power tokens and 10 Coins each 5. Open envelope 00 Setup ===== 1. Realm board Random (drop for Black and White) each Resource marker in the center row 2. Stability marker on the middle space of the Stability Track 3. 3 Power tokens on the middle space of the Balance on the Realm board Remaining tokens in a General pool 4. Each House screen and 1 AYE, NAY, and PASS card in front 5. Power tokens and Coins behind each House screen 6. Randomly discard 1 Secret Agenda card In low Prestige order chose a card ** For Prestige ties ** Add House screen Prestige Points Then add House number 7. Dilemma deck from the Save slot Shuffle it and cover top with the Cover tile 8. Highest Prestige take Leader token ** 9. Lowest Prestige take Moderator token ** 10. If not first game Apply Legacy Setup Effects. Set up the Event cards following the rules described on the cards Divide Story cards by top right corner symbol into different decks high number on top Place Story Cards on the Realm board spaces with the corresponding symbols Chronicle Stickers: Mark 1 space on each attached Chronicle sticker For each Resource, move the matching marker the same number Check signatures on the stickers Increase or decrease their bank by number Ties to player who signed the rightmost sticker 2 Positive and 2 Negative Open Agenda token limit Play ==== Read the story card Shuffle the Dilemma cards The game is played in rounds, with each round divided into 5 phases: P1. Draw and Read a Card from the bottom of the Dilemma Deck P2. Place the Outcome tokens on the Balance P3. Vote of the Council Start with Leader and go clockwise Vote Aye - 1 or more personal Power tokens on the AYE Vote Nay - 1 or more personal Power tokens on the NAY Pass and Gather Power - 1 Coin from general pool on PASS card Pass and Become Moderator - 1 Coin from pool and Moderator token Put both on your PASS card No one else can take it this voting Cannot change your vote If Most Power on your vote, Take the Leader token Voting phase ends at the end of turn of player right of Leader ## Bargain ## No exchange of Power, Leader, or Moderator Any Coin exchanged is a binding agreement P4. Vote Resolution Total Power played on all respective AYE and NAY cards Ties broken by the Moderator If all players passed Moderator also takes the Leader token If Leader token on losing side, passed to winner who invested most Power If this is a tie the Moderator must decide Bargaining is allowed ## Cleanup Pass and Gather Power - receive their 1 coin and split Power Equal split (remainders stay on board) Pass and Become Moderator - receive their 1 coin and give the Moderator back to board Vote loosing - receive their Power back Vote winning - put Power tokens on the middle space of the Balance P5. Dilemma Resolution A. Turn the Dilemma card Read the Outcome of the decision Resolve Outcome effects one at a time, from left to right B. Move resources as indicated from left to right Momentum: If resource moves in same direction as Momentum +1 space If it has a Momentum marker +1 more space Else add a Momentum marker (never more than one Momentum) All Momentum lost if the Resource changes direction Move Stability Marker same direction same count End of Round Check If Stability marker reaches either end, THE KING ABDICATES Further changes to Resources must still be applied Stability marker does not move any more C. If Chronicle sticker icon on the card (Down Arrow) Find the sticker and read it aloud Follow the instructions on the sticker Current Leader signs this sticker Attach sticker to Resource symbol row's empty furthest left in row If no empty spaces, attach it over oldest sticker left most in a tie D. If Envelope icon on the card (Angle Envelope) Find the Envelope with number and read it aloud Follow the instructions written on the cards Narrative Achievements unlock achievements for the Houses Majority signer bonus is scored immediately including this card signature Place Story card on the matching Story line space Shuffle the remaining cards into the Dilemma deck E. Place the Dilemma card halfway under the Time counter of the board winning outcome visible Special Event cards and Trigger cards placed in the Event area Follow the instructions on the cards If the card placed on the Time counter is marked with a scull icon OR is 5th card placed under the scull time section THE KING IS DEAD All effects of cards and stickers must still be applied If THE KING ABDICATES or THE KING IS DEAD End the Game Else start a new round at phase P1 End the Game ============ 1. Calculate scores A. Secret agenda cards Resource Goal as per card scoring Money Ranking Goal as per card scoring B. Open Agenda Tokens place on the Resource track ties get same bonus each +3 first place white +1 second place white -1 second lowest black -3 very lowest black C. Majority of Power Tokens ties get same bonus each +2 the most +1 second most 2. Mark scores on the Realm chronicles then use the total of the scores and the chart to record Prestige (White Crown) and Crave (Black Crown) on the house screens Tied players receive the same points Always a player in "last place" The winner of this game chooses the name of the next king and writes king name on the top of this Realm chronicles 3. Check House achievements mark 1 for each achievement, ties are shared abilities are immediate 4. Update house alignment mark 1 for the secret agenda used (only if there is a space remaining) 5. Complete final cleanup. 1. Take any Trigger cards that were placed in the Event area shuffle them back into the Dilemma deck Put the whole Dilemma deck and the Cover tile into the Dilemma Save slot of the game box 2. Take all the Dilemma cards resolved during the game from the Time Counter insert them into the Trash slot inside the game box 3. Put all the Secret Agenda cards and the Vote cards in the Setup slot 4. Put all the unlocked Story cards and all the ongoing Event cards in the Story Save slot End the Campaign ================ When the 6th Mystery sticker has been attached Finish the Dilemma card resolution Open Envelope 70, which contains the events of the Grand Finale